Sathyajith Bhat Sathyajith Bhat 2 2 gold badges 3 3 silver badges 17 17 bronze badges. See apple. The tip you mentioned doesn't work because iTunes says it's already downloaded. In the end, I had to do that because nothing else would work. Once again, thanks for all your help bmike. I've slightly edited your answer to reflect what I did. Show 8 more comments. Active Oldest Votes. Several other questions here might help, but none seem to be totally equivalent.
How can I cancel an app installation on the iPhone? Improve this answer. Community Bot 1. Add a comment. Ian C. Reboot didn't help, the app's already downloaded and installed on iTunes, this is what I get after syncing i. Shows you how often I reboot my iPhone.
Sathya have to tried deleting it now that it's been properly installed and rebooting? Show 4 more comments. Download the app in iTunes Hook your iPhone up and tell the app to copy Unplug, switch on flight mode, reboot Now it's rebooted in flight mode it'll stop itunes from trying to download Sync your iPhone, it should copy it and override the OTA iTunes download Note, I went through a week and a half of trying things so there might be pre-steps but those are the ones that led up to it being fixed.
Sathyajith Bhat 2 2 gold badges 3 3 silver badges 17 17 bronze badges. Nicholas Smith Nicholas Smith 2, 11 11 silver badges 17 17 bronze badges. This is the same as what bmike mentioned in the chat discussion, but it doesn't help — Sathyajith Bhat. That may get the app installation going again.
Update — Just heard this today from someone I was trying to help with this problem. The simple step of getting the latest iOS solved the problem of a stalled app when nothing else would. Stapley for this tip.
Choose and download a new app from the App Store. Any free app will do. Having trouble downloading apps, fails halfway through Im using a galaxy j3. Like Comment Follow Share. Cancel Post. Need help? Ask a question. Related Conversations. Answers to our Top FAQs. Did this help you? Asked 6 years, 6 months ago. Active 8 months ago. Viewed k times. Any ideas on what I can do to get rid of this icon?
Improve this question. Stevoisiak 1, 9 9 gold badges 26 26 silver badges 49 49 bronze badges. Jack Jack 1 1 gold badge 2 2 silver badges 5 5 bronze badges. Gabkano Yes. I've just deleted it through that menu and it has disappeared now. Related: iPhone Apps in Waiting mode for the last 4 days — Stevoisiak.
Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Gabkano Gabkano 4 4 silver badges 12 12 bronze badges. Here is the real solution: On the surface, some of what others have posted is correct, but may not help you because you don't know which apps are the blockers. VERY painful, but this works. Had this problem with iOS At least a hundred apps stuck in "Loading…" limbo.
Here are instructions on how to delete these waiting applications: Reboot your iPhone normally. See this link for instructions on how to restart your iPhone. As of September , iTunes no longer supports downloading iPhone apps.