App store download button reddit hide

David Dixon says:. November 4, at pm. Caleb says:. July 3, at am. DC says:. May 14, at pm. Mike Cohen says:. April 8, at pm. Bsbs says:. July 14, at pm. Bre says:. March 26, at am. Debra says:. March 22, at pm. Joyce Hoffmann says:. March 20, at am. Travis says:. March 3, at pm. Emilio says:. December 14, at am. Karon says:. December 4, at am. Patricia says:.

Place the App Store badge first in the lineup of badges. The alternative white badge is designed to give you greater versatility and can be used when the preferred black badge appears visually heavy in the layout. The alternative badge is suitable when only one badge appears in the layout and when it complements the colors used in the layout. If badges for other app platforms appear in your communication, use the preferred black badge, not the alternative white badge. Apple provides badge artwork with the modifiers Download on the and Pre-order on the translated into regional languages.

The service mark App Store always appears in English. Never translate App Store or create your own localized badge. Use one App Store badge per layout or video. Use the pre-order badge to indicate that your app is available for pre-order on the App Store. Once the app is released for download, be sure to replace the pre-order badge with the download badge in all of your marketing materials. For more information on making your apps available for pre-order, see Offering Your Apps for Pre-Order.

Use only the badge artwork provided in these guidelines. Never use the Apple logo in place of the word Apple. Generate short links or embeddable code that lead to your App Store product page and display your app icon, a QR code, or an App Store badge. View App Store marketing tools. Minimum clear space is equal to one-quarter the height of the badge. Minimum badge height is 10 mm for use in printed materials and 40 px for use onscreen. Select a size that is clearly legible but not dominant in the layout.

When the badge is placed on advertising with very limited layout space, such as banners for mobile devices, select a badge size that is clearly legible on the target mobile devices.

Minimum clear space for very limited layout space is equal to one-tenth the height of the badge. For printed materials, the badge can be printed in one color if black and white inks are not used on the layout.

The line art portion of the badge Apple logo, type, and outline rule can be printed in the ink color used on the layout as long as it provides sufficient contrast for clear legibility. Use Apple-provided product images in all your marketing materials to display your app on the Apple devices it supports.

Always use the latest-generation product images for which your app is currently developed. References to multiple platforms and competing products can be made only in copy or with badges. Modifications include adding reflections, shadows, highlights, or graphic elements that appear to enter or come out of the product screen; cropping, tilting, or obstructing any part of the images; animating, flipping, or spinning the images; or creating buttons or icons with a product image.

You can place promotional copy or violators beside the product images, not on top of them. Use Apple product images at a size that is clearly legible at the image resolution provided. Ensure that the minimum device size is no smaller than 25 mm in height for printed materials and px onscreen. Maintain the correct relative product scale whenever multiple products are shown. Focus on the experience of using your app and not on Apple product functions.

Display your app on the screen as it appears when your app is running. For apps that work within Messages, Siri, Phone, or Maps, display your app within the Apple UI exactly as it appears when your app is running. Apps that support widgets may display this functionality in screen content as long as no third-party content is shown on the Home screen.

Be sure to create screens using the latest operating system version. You are responsible for securing the rights to all materials used in screen content within your app, and you should display fictional account information instead of data from a real person. For the screen content of apps that work within Apple apps, you are responsible for securing the rights and approvals for third-party content such as store names or locations.

The status bar for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch should show a full network icon or product designator, a full Wi-Fi icon, and a full battery icon. If your app runs full screen, you can extend your app screen image over the status bar.

If your app is optimized for 5G networks, you can display the 5G icon in the status bar from a compatible device. Information about products not manufactured by Apple, or independent websites not controlled or tested by Apple, is provided without recommendation or endorsement. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of third-party websites or products. Apple makes no representations regarding third-party website accuracy or reliability.

Contact the vendor for additional information. Hide purchases from the App Store If you don't want to see an app in your list of purchases in the App Store, hide it. What happens when you hide an app? Tap the account button or your photo at the top of the screen. Tap Purchased. If you use Family Sharing, tap My Purchases. Find the app that you want, then swipe left on it and tap Hide. Tap Done. About unhiding apps on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch You can't unhide an app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, but you can redownload an app.

Not only is this an annoying extra couple steps, there is no need for it since there is nothing else. On top of that, when I view my notifications this way, I cannot get to my profile in the same notifications tab. I can bring up the sidebar while viewing notifications, but when I click on my profile it just returns to my notification feed.

Thought it was something that surely would have gotten caught and fixed quickly but the app was updated two days ago and this is still happening. Overall the app is quite good. The scroll button. You know the one.

There is already a perfectly good feature for this: pressing and holding on the screen collapses the current top-level comment and all child comments. I have had this app since the day it came out and have never, not once, pressed that button on purpose. Most of the time I just stick it in the top right corner and it stays out of the way, where it still creates a minor visual annoyance, but if that was all that happened I would not be writing this review. Every so often, the button will jump back to its default location, and will not let me move it above that height on the screen.


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