But I doubt it will destroy the strange feeling when playing it, there is still too much stuff in this game which cant be modded so easy out. Surf Solar , Jan 17, As far as I know you can't play the good fallout games on a console anyway although you don't need a good computer anyway Cool to hear people are finally finding ways to mod the console version, the PC version does get quite great with some mods.
Goweigus , Jan 17, This could hurt future dlc sales for Bethesda and their design philosophy, since now their main fanbase will have access to mods that show how easily it is to create additional deeper and free content and will ask that from Bethesda.
This requires a modified , so users can get banned from Xbox Live for doing this. Ausir , Jan 17, These types of methods have been around for quite some time. There were many mods and hacks for Halo on a modded Xbox1 as well. Beelzebud , Jan 17, OakTable , Jan 18, Well, it's still less of a hassle to just play on the PC anyways. Ausir , Jan 18, I just looked on craigslist. Beats having to throw down hundreds on a gaming PC. The way I see it, you have two 's; one modded for offline play to avoid your GT from being banned and a non-modded to play online.
If you can recommend a PC that can play this game at the same level of quality, if not higher than the for the same price then recommend away. Jet , Jan 19, Might as well build it yourself or get a friend to do it if you want value.
Tycn , Jan 19, Morbus , Jan 19, Bofast , Jan 19, TheWesDude , Jan 19, You must log in or sign up to reply here. Show Ignored Content. Your name or email address: Do you already have an account? No, create an account now. Yes, my password is: Forgot your password? What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last.
Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. User Info: MarioBro User Info: Rings. Rings posted No, however, Fallout 4 does Lame. User Info: Bulbasaur. MarioBro88 posted For starters, it's not a One game, it's a game.
User Info: Dfy If you want that you need to play on PC. I know. I just hoped it had added a mod support bonus on One. Dfy posted If you want that you need to play on PC Don't have one.
User Info: TheGm What made you believe it would? You can't grasp the true form of TheGM's post. The inability to detect humor is a sign of mental disorder. TheGm86 posted