Last edited: Apr 26, You must log in or sign up to reply here. Show Ignored Content. Tags: akuhak file manager launchelf ps2 ps2 file manager ps2 homebrew sp ulaunchelf wlaunchelf. Share This Page Tweet. New Posts dump. Latest: littlebalup, Nov 22, at PM. General PS3 Discussion. XMB Modifications. PS3 4. Latest: alexparrado, Nov 22, at PM. Any solution for the weird ps3 controller sync issue?
Latest: solomonbyte, Nov 22, at PM. Latest: M4j0r, Nov 22, at PM. Hardware Mods. Error d every time I try to download a game on PS3. CFW Tools. Latest: mrjaredbeta, Nov 22, at PM.
PS2 on PS4. PS3 Jonnysp's ird library is down. Tag Cloud cfw devil emulator error game han hdd help hen henkaku henkaku homebrew hfw homebrew iso jailbreak mod multiman ofw opl pkg playstation 2 playstation portable playstation portable cfw playstation portable resources playstation tv ps tv ps vita ps1 ps2 ps3 ps3 cfw ps3 homebrew ps3hen ps3xploit ps4 ps4 homebrew psn psp psp cfw psp resources pstv pstv homebrew rebug tool update vita vita homebrew webman webman mod xmb.
Featured Homebrew. Your name or email address: Do you already have an account? No, create an account now. Yes, my password is: Forgot your password? It will do nothing, however. Reduced footprint of internal loader ELF, by linking with libkernel-nopatch instead since it does not need the kernel patches.
NOTE: this is a consolidation of all small tests between the last beta release and this one. Fixed power-off processing. All files will be closed and the expansion-bay deactivated, prior to power-off. Fixed USB support on disks with no partition table thumb drives. Fixed formatting of PFS partitions. Fixed renaming of files in sub-directories on the mass device. Fixed copying of files to the VMC device. PlayStation discs can once again be accessed. Fixed file copying?
Updated network protocol stack. Networking should be working now. Adjusted Hiryu's libcdvd library to not cause a freeze, if there is no disc inserted. Removed the disc control option, since LaunchELF can now correctly determine if no disc is inserted. Cleaned up IOP reset code. Cleaned up loader module. Re-enabled code that preserves the timestamp for files copied to the HDD unit. CNF which is placed in the same place as uLe.
Tested with my 40Gb disk with partitions. Tags: app homebrew ps2 wlaunchelf wle. Apr 30, Show Ignored Content. Your name or email address: Do you already have an account? No, create an account now. Yes, my password is: Forgot your password?