You raise your ceiling of expectations for yourself and the world around you. You know your purpose at this point in life. You take the necessary risks, knowing that they will move you toward your goal. Note these in your journal. Mark off your milestones once completed and celebrate each one. Everything in this chapter helps you turn the internal negative energy into positive. The Bible mentions charity numerous times in the New Testament and offerings even more often in the Old Testament. Concerning charity in Buddhism, H.
The freedom and happiness of all living beings have always been the ultimate ideal and the working goal. What these sacred texts are trying to impress upon us is how the universe responds to what we give — negatively or positively — in greater amounts.
When you seek success in anything, you have a tendency to focus totally on the goal and the process of getting there. The more you chase after your own goals and pursue your self-interest, the more they elude you. Remember the previous discussion on the expansion of energy? What you have inside you, you radiate. What you give off, you attract to you.
If you give love, respect and empowerment, the universe returns what you radiate sevenfold. If you give of yourself in time and money, the universe returns your giving sevenfold. Tammy is a single parent, who was having trouble making ends meet. She had been let go from her job and received no child support. Jobs were scarce and the rent was coming due. No matter what she did, she seemed to fail.
The more she scrimped and worried, the worse her situation became. One day while visiting and keeping her mother company, they watched the Club. There were a couple families on the show telling about how they were having serious financial problems. Less than a week after giving to the charity, she found a job, allowing her to keep her apartment.
She continued to give ten percent of her salary, regardless of her needs, and the universe continued to give to her in abundance. She now owns her own business and just purchased a new home. In each case, the people take the focus off themselves and their problems, give only for the purpose of giving and helping others, and receive sevenfold for their gift to the universe. Did You Know? Ross Related Cos. Bono, lead singer of U2, has worked tirelessly to gather celebrities, politicians and government leaders to relieve the needless death of children in Africa through contributions, fund-raising, and forgiving debts owed by Africa to other nations.
He gives both time and money to make a difference. This list is only a fraction of the wealthy, which give both time and money to help others. Over the years, many, who have inherited or obtained wealth, have donated large portions of their wealth to help others. The Rockefellers are an excellent example. By giving, they received more and kept what they already had. As soon as you attach emotion to the goal, it eludes you. Attach your emotion to helping others, and your success will chase after you.
Keep your giving to yourself. Otherwise, you cancel out its effect in the universe. The information on the philanthropists listed earlier came from public records.
So, give of time and money to succeed. Include amounts, frequency and the charity. Include the amount of time, what it is you do, frequency, the charity, and how it helps. Remember, giving of time can be a family project. Here are just two of the projects, where their children received lessons that would take them through adulthood: They taught English to third-world families, new to the United States, who were sponsored by their church.
Just think what working in a soup kitchen or a food pantry would do to help your own children better appreciate what they have. The second and most popular is to just use the ten percent of income rule. Ten percent is the minimum you should be giving.
If you feel like giving more, do so. Financially, the ten percent should be done immediately to a worthwhile charity. Anything above and beyond the ten percent is your goal to work toward. In the silence, you connect to love. In the silence, you access the power of the universe. It clears your mind and gives you extraordinary ideas, allowing success to flow freely.
The silence is within that part of yourself that No One Knows, where you may encounter the true purpose of your life and what you need do to achieve it. In the silence, you recharge your batteries, remove tension and anxiety, reduce stress and fatigue, eliminate doubt and depression, and remove enculturation programming. It gives you a sense of belonging. You become one with the universe and all of humanity, and you know peace.
When you are separated from the silence, you see doubts, your see problems, and you feel the negative surround you. There are no problems, doubts or negative in the silence. It moves you away from this outer world and all its perceived troubles, connecting you back to your original source of spirit. This silence is located in the space between your thoughts.
To reach it, you must quiet your thoughts. You must quiet your mind and know stillness. Then, you merge with it. The gateway to silence, this space between your thoughts, is meditation, of which there are many forms.
Some people believe that meditation is only a form of worship in Buddhism, but even Christianity has a practiced form of meditation — members of the Roman Catholic Church pray the Rosary, and prayer, itself, is a form of meditation.
Take a walk in the woods or a quiet park. Listen to the sounds of nature. Breathe deeply of the fresh air. Hear the birds chirping, the leaves rustling under foot, and the sound and smell of the breeze as it brushes past your face.
Walk barefoot in the grass. Stretch your arms out wide and slowly turn, feeling the freedom. Feel the different textures of nature — the bark of a tree, the silky feel of a flower petal, the soft fur of a kitten, the bristles from the blades of grass against you palm, and all that nature offers your senses.
As you focus on hearing and feeling nature, you will find peace. Tell this friend your problems and desires. Then, let the universe take care of them. Singing or playing an instrument during this time may bring you closer to your source, depending upon the music produced. She can use sheet music, but the NAF is created to play from the music that comes from within her. Patricia just plays from her soul and spirit. This particular flute produces a low, soulful, almost haunting sound.
If anyone passes by, she never knows it — they usually just quietly sit and listen. Put it in your schedule. At least one full day a month should be devoted to it. Another meditation form is to mentally review in your mind something that is unresolved or causing you problems three-to-five minutes before falling to sleep. Imagine the situation being resolved in a positive manner, and ask your subconscious the universe to resolve the issue, with you knowing what to do upon waking.
Write in your journal the next morning, before leaving your bed. Continue to write until you see a response to your request. To really see results faster use a more formal, deeper method of meditation, one that you practice on a daily basis. Deep Meditation Technique There are several methods of deep meditation.
Set aside time in a quiet place, where you will not be disturbed. When you first begin meditating, you may prefer a darkened room, using a candle to keep your focus. Some people envision a bright star in their minds, but this is a bit more difficult to hold constant.
With practice, train your mind to continue meditating at the higher level, after the music stops. We suggest any music CD by R. You even may prefer to use one piece of music with or without words that immediately connects you to the universe at the level of your soul and spirit.
Both may be found on Amazon. Set comfortably but alertly in a comfortable chair or on a pillow on the floor. Focus on the candle flame, empty your mind, and still your body. At first, you will find your mind taking control and wondering all over the place. This is normal. When you realize that your mind is wondering out of control, just refocus on the candle flame and empty your mind again. It takes practice over time to be able to keep your mind blank for any length of time.
Once you have your focus, you have many choices of what to do next: a. Be still and let God. Just allow the universe to merge with you, letting you feel its presence. You may do an entire meditation like this, if you wish.
Use a mantra, especially helpful at first. It keeps your attention on your source, controlling your wandering thoughts. Some individuals and religions believe a mantra connects with evil or pagan spirits, but this is not true. We suggest two mantras, if you so choose to use one: i. Om and the use of mantras originate from Vedic Hinduism, later adopted by Buddhists and Jains.
Chanting Om is said to correspond to that original vibration, connecting you back to your source. Om is pronounced A — U — M, accenting each syllable. The silence between the syllables is the state of perfect bliss — your connection to the universe — and is achieved by the repetition of Om. With practice, this mantra takes you to your source, the silence between the syllables, the space between your thoughts.
Another mantra method is used in Japa Meditation, where the name of God is repeated while focusing on your intentions. It works well, especially if you are having a difficult time shutting out the day-to-day thoughts that dominate your mind. Conversing with the universe within your mind is another choice. The universe already knows the needs and desires of yourself and everyone else in the world. This is the time to turn over your problems and concerns to the universe, then make an affirmation statement.
Then, be still in the silence and listen for the response. As to what type of response you receive will depend upon your proficiency in meditation.
On the last day of a religious workshop, a participant stated that he had prayed the Rosary daily for many years. All he ever asked for was to hear the voice of God. It was evident during his explanation that this was very upsetting for him.
Some people held back to see what Howard would say, expecting to possibly join him in praying with the distraught man. Therefore, God usually begins speaking to you in pictures. For this man, God used something very special to him to let him know He was there and listening.
Once you begin trying to remember, you engage your brain and the visions stop. After the meditation is over, immediately write down any experiences you had in your journal. Something is accomplished at all meditations, whether you are aware of it or not. Keep your experiences to yourself, especially in the beginning. Otherwise, you may find yourself having to explain and defend ideas and insights you were given.
Then, the ego has entered and manifesting the universe-driven process stops. With at least 20 minutes a day, continue meditating for at least two months. Once you are comfortable meditating, begin to focus it on your chosen success. Exercise 10 — Additional Connections Chose one other method of connecting to the universe presented before the deep meditation technique to do at least once monthly, though weekly provides you a continual sense of peace. Write these experiences in your journal.
In the first chapter, we mentioned that success takes both determination and belief. This requires a belief that is with absolute certainty that your goal already has taken place in the universe. It only needs be manifest — made real in the physical world — exactly on time. One of the strongest tools for keeping your proper focus is, of course, meditation, because it connects you directly to the universe and affirms your faith in it. An even stronger tool is to actually see the universe in motion — seeing things happen for you without any intervention from you, other than determination and belief.
Once, Julie and her mother were going to a fairly large mall during the Christmas season. Of course, the parking lot was packed with shoppers. Julie began to drive toward the front of the parking lot, by the main doors of the mall out of habit. Her mother asked her what she was doing, and Julie told her mother that she wanted to see if there were any empty spots close to the front doors. Her mother very indignantly told Julie that she was crazy. Julie was as shocked as her mother, when there was a newly-vacated spot directly in front of the doors in the first position.
Julie pulled in the space without a word said, while her young children began giggling in the back seat. It took a while for her mother to recover from the shock. More times than not, the space is there. Did Julie know for sure a space would be there? No, but she did absolutely believe that her prayer was heard and would be positively answered, if at all possible within the current circumstances of her life.
That is belief from determination. You first determine, and then follow it with absolute belief. She allowed the universe room to process her request. If Julie had asked specifically for the first space, then the space five spaces down may have been given to someone else. She would have been trying to manipulate the process. You must not limit the result of your request. Allow the universe to define the best outcome. The source knows better than we do the best result for us at the moment in time it manifests into our physical world.
Be the Success You Desire Another important factor in absolute belief is treating yourself as if and acting as though your goal is already achieved. Remember, that as soon as you determine something and place absolute belief in it, it already has been processed by the universe and exists — even if the existence is currently in thought. Treat the situation as if the past had never happened. Change the way you look at the situation to a positive perspective.
Have gratitude for the universe, yourself and the situation, and be inspired. You have determined that you will lose the weight and have, in fact, already lost the weight in thought within the universe. Do you continue being a couch potato? Instead, you outline what needs to be done to get to where you wish to be.
That would include eating and exercising properly. You compliment yourself on your thin and shapely figure and how your clothes fit so perfectly each time you look in the mirror.
You love and appreciate yourself. The universe will take care of the amount of weight. Example 2: Your marriage is in constant conflict. You spouse starts fighting over the littlest details, any excuse to yell and scream at you. You determine that your marriage is going to be harmonious and believe with absolute certainty that the universe has made it so.
Again, you must act as if it is so. You act in harmony, regardless of what your spouse does. You smile a lot. Surprise him with a hug and kiss him on the cheek, when he begins a fight; then, change the subject to something pleasant or leave to do something in another room.
Now, obviously, this in itself will affect your spouse; and you may subconsciously stop doing things that irritate your mate. No amount of peace and harmony on your part, alone, would change the situation. Or the universe may give you a harmonious marriage with a different spouse so, ensure your determination is correctly stated. So, your actions of determination, absolute belief, and conducting yourself as if everything already has changed allows the universe to set in motion the forces that will collaborate with you to make your success manifest in the physical world.
Lastly, check every conscious thought, word and action against your goal. Does it match up with you plan for success? Or is it a hindrance? Match your perspective to your plan of action. NOTE: A positive byproduct of absolute belief is that you develop more tolerance for the beliefs of others, adding more positive into your life.
You may even find them interesting. Review Exercise 6. Looking at your plan of action, how may these things affect your success? Make a list of all these things, and begin making the changes one item at a time. If yes, then revise them to be absolute certainties. Everything that happens along the way is another joyous milestone, moving you another step closer to success. Enthusiasm adds to your positive perspective and affirms your belief in the outcome.
Enthusiasm comes from inspiration. Inspiration comes from knowledge and enrichment of the mind, while ignorance fosters and intensifies fear. Inspiration also helps you to further define and detail your plan of action. Inspiration may be obtained through many sources.
The most obvious is education, whether it is motivational material to keep you on your path or gaining more specific knowledge to achieve your success.
You become what you study, so expose your mind to anything and everything that adds to the achievement of your success. Also, include educational and motivational materials that will help you after your success is achieved.
Power of Association The people that surround you influence your path, your attitude, your determination, your belief, your inspiration, and the outcome of your success. Otherwise, you may be eliminating your success through the power of association. Associations may mean being around the people who can make your success happen. Donald Trump did just this. He associated with those people, whom he wanted to emulate and who could assist his success.
Now, you may not desire that type of success; however, associations still impact your goals. Let me give you an example. Darren used to be an alcoholic. After he hit bottom, he went into rehab and cleaned up his life. Oprah Winfrey, talk show host, once told Barbara Walters, renowned interviewer and newscaster, that, if it were not for Ms.
This is a wonderful example of using a hero to achieve. The great thing about emulating heroes is that they can be living, dead or even fictitious. Finding a hero or heroine to emulate gives you many achievement advantages. That person is already the success you seek. Learn all you can about them. If possible, take them to lunch and interview them. Find out what they purposefully did to achieve.
What could they have done differently to make the process to success easier and faster? Put photos of this individual all over your living space and on your desk at work. Exercises Exercise 13 — Education and Motivation Using the library and the Internet, research to locate materials that will help you achieve your success.
If you need more information and details for instance, you would like to take a particular type of course in your area , research whatever resources necessary for example: telephoning your local colleges for information on available classes.
Incorporate these materials into your plan of action i. Exercise 14 — Power of Association Are the people who surround you holding you back? Evaluate your relationships against your chosen success.
Are there any associations that are detrimental to achieving your goal? Make a list of possible problem individuals; then, turn it over to the universe during meditation. Ask for guidance on what you should do. You may be told that the individual is contributing to your success in a more important manner than what you see.
There are many possible solutions to a situation, other than discontinuing the relationship. Be sure to keep notes in your journal. Keep notes in your journal. There are many ways in which we entertain and work our minds. News Sources. It comes by way of the radio, television, the newspaper, magazines, and the Internet via our computers. There are clipping services dedicated to providing specific types of news by email or mail.
Exercise Exercise 16 — Your Newspaper Take a copy of your local, daily newspaper. Any day will do. Get a black and a red magic marker. Now, envision multiplying the amount of black, which is the negative, times the number of pages in the newspaper; and then times the number of newspapers you read each day. You can further compound the news in the newspaper by each time you listen to the news on the radio, even those short briefs every hour.
Then, add in each news magazine and journal you read each month. Then, there are the Internet news sites, web sites with news feeds on them, and news emails delivered to your inbox. Your last exercise shows how much of the news is negative. How can you replace negative thoughts in storage with positive, when you bombard your senses with all this negativity on a daily basis.
Do you really need to see and hear all this news? Choose one form, once a day, and eliminate all the rest. For instance, only the nightly news that gives a brief accounting without all the details. We can learn to act out of our own hearts rather than to react in hurt or anger.
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Take a deep breath, and take the first step!